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Think Barter Network Announce the Signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement

October 12, 2022

Think Barter Network is proud to announce the signingof a strategic partnership agreement with TÜRK BARTER INTERNATIONAL A.Ş 

Allowing the option of facilitating trading opportunities of goods, services,and assets at a large scale for member companies of both networks in Jordan and Turkey. The strategic partnership agreement also represents the establishment of an alignment between TÜRK BARTER INTERNATIONAL A.Ş. And Think Barter Network for facilitating Nationand Country level trading and bartering of goods, services, and assets globally and with a special focus on opportunities to increase the level of intra-trade between the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

The Barter Trade System, while providing companiesthe facility of purchasing their needs against commodities produced or services which are considered as the most suitable payment instruments, is an arranging system that enables establishments to be financed through their equity capitals and acquire it as a habit. Besides its contributions to the companies, the Barter System plays an important role in international trade. Bartering the debts between the countries or providing the needed products or services through barter without making cash payments from the public treasury is very important in establishing the economical balance of the countries. The Barter intermediary companies which integrate the barter procedures into the system have a big responsibility in establishing these sensitive balances. Providing the trust that the market needs, signing international barter contracts, and fulfilling its responsibilities towards its country are the main targets of a barter company.

'Turk Barter'

Turk Barter hasbeen founded by a group of entrepreneurs, and professional businessmen, who pioneered the implementation of the barter system in Turkey. Thus, the barter industry which is developing very rapidly in the world has been introduced to the country’s economy as a new concept.

The know-how ofour institutional entrepreneurs in the barter industry and the reputability of our institutional leader in the International Reciprocal Trade Association emphasize the significance of TURK BARTER’S national and global role. The family structure, uniting the entrepreneurs and the employees under the same roof, composes the strong organization of TURK BARTER today, with its technological infrastructure support and modern management system. TURK BARTER which aims to present a fast service with good quality to its customers succeeded in carrying the process that extends from money to barter in commercial procedures to national and global dimensions. The purpose of TURK BARTER is not to remove money totally from the commercial world, but to extend the awareness that trade can be done in the absence of absolute money. The Barter system, which is an Alternative Commercial and Financial model, is an important sector brought into the Turkish business world today by TURK BARTER.